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Event Blogging: How to Make Money from Blog As A Beginner


Event Blogging: How to  Make Money from Blog  As A Beginner

 Blogging How to make money from as a beginners


Event Blogging: How to  Make Money from  As A Beginner


Are you planning to create an event blog? Do you want to know how to make money from event blogging? You’re in the right place.

Event blogging is all about focusing on an upcoming event or special day such as Black Friday or New Year and creating exclusive content around that event. Then, you’ll be monetizing your blog with various sources like affiliate marketing, display ads and so on.

Event blogging has so many benefits including;

  • Use it as an additional income source
  • Considerably less efforts are required when compared to general blogs (where you need to constantly create content for better results)
  • You’ll get first page rankings if you target the right keywords
  • And the list goes on

So if you’re looking for an in-depth guide on building a successful event blog from scratch, this post is a treat for you.

Let’s dive into the details without further.

What is Event Blogging?

Event blogging is where you start a blog based on a particular event. That means, you pick an event and create content only specific to that event.

Event blog can also be considered as a “micro niche blog” as it covers a specific event (or topic).

For example, you can create a blog covering “New Years Day Wallpapers” where the event is “New Year” and you can start displaying wallpapers for people to download. Usually event blogs get a ton of targeted traffic only during the “event time”.

That means, for the above example, you’ll be mostly getting traffic during the beginning of the year (or towards the end of the year).

You can also use your primary blog to create a dedicated category to cover various events to monetize.

Most people think that event blogging is all about creating a blog for an upcoming event such as New Year, throwing some posts and making some quick bucks

But it’s NOT!

If done right, you can make 10x more money if you create an event blog for the long run. So in this guide, you’ll learn how to create a profitable event blog in the long run instead of doing it for just one event.

How to Create An Event Blog & How to Make Money from Event Blogging:

So you want to know how to start an event blog from scratch. Here’s a simple yet detailed step by step tutorial on how to get started with event blogging and make money from it.

Pick an event (including some event blogging topics)

Before planning to launch an event blog, make sure to choose an event. 

Similarly, you can select an event so you can start a blog around it. Here are some of the event blogging topics that you can consider.

  • New Year
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Mothers Day
  • Fathers Day
  • Black Friday
  • Cyber Monday
  • Christmas
  • FIFA World Cup
  • Elections (of any particular country)
  • Oscars
  • Halloween


·         Make sure to discover the “Search Trend” using Google Trends to find the popularity of any event that you want to target.

·         The search popularity for that event should be either constant or improving every year (instead of the downward trend).

Perform in-depth keyword research

Keyword research is the process of finding words that people use in search engines like Google. If you want to get more search traffic, you need to conduct in-depth keyword research.

Why? Without search traffic, it’s almost impossible to build a money-making event blog. Here are a few proven ways to find easy to rank keywords in any niche.

Find long-tail keywords: The best way to increase your search traffic is to find low competitive keywords. Here’s where long tail keywords can help you. Long tail keywords usually contain 4 or more keywords.

For instance, “fitness apps” is a short-tail keyword whereas “best free fitness apps for iphone” is a long-tail keyword.

Did you know that long tail keywords account for 70% of searches online?




Long tail keywords also offer you benefits like:

  • Higher conversions
  • Less competition
  • More targeted traffic from search engines and so on

Use keyword tools: Keyword research starts with tools. Keyword tools offer you a ton of keyword suggestions along with keyword metrics like search volume, CPC and so on. Although most free tools like Keyword Planner from Google don’t provide you accurate keyword data but can help you find new keyword ideas.

Here are some of the best free and paid keyword research tools for event blogging.

  • Ubersuggest (free)
  • KeywordTool.io (free)
  • Semrush
  • KWFinder

Analyze the keyword metrics: While finding keywords, it’s essential to analyze keyword metrics such as;

  • Search volume (which tells you the number of searches the keyword has during a month)
  • SEO difficulty (which gives you an estimated competition for the keyword in organic search)
  • Cost per click (which shows you the average cost per click or CPC for a paid ad)

The key to finding easy to rank keywords is to find “low competitive yet high CPC keywords”.

Find your competitors’ keywords: One of the easiest yet powerful ways to find better keywords is to identify your competitors’ keywords. You can use tools like Semrush to easily spy on your competitors’ websites and see their top performing pages along with the keywords.

Start your blog on WordPress (including domain tips)

Do you want to know how to create an event blog? Although there are a ton of free blogging platforms such as Blogger, Weebly available but we suggest you WordPress.

It’s the #1 CMS (Content Management System) in the world and offers plenty of features such as SEO-friendly plugins, themes, customizations, page builders, and so on.

You need both hosting and a domain name to get started with a self-hosted WordPress platform.

If you’re looking for affordable options, go for Bluehost as their hosting plans start at just $2.95 per month and you’ll also get a free domain name for 1 year.

Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can start your own blog on WordPress using Bluehost.

Click on the Get Started Now button to continue. In the next step, you can select any hosting plan according to your budget.



A quick tip: Go with the Basic plan as it costs $35.40 for 12 months.

In the next step, you can create a new domain, use one you already own or create one later.

Bluehost offers a free domain so you can save around $10 to $20 on domain registration.

In the final step, you need to create an account with Bluehost and see that you’ll get their hosting at just $35.40 as shown below.






Make the payment to finish the process.

Here are some quick tips for you to pick a better domain for your event blog.

  • If you’re creating a micro-niche event site, it’s better to pick a domain that has the name of the event.
  • If you’re creating an event blog that’s specific to a country, then buy that domain of that country (such as eventdomain.uk, eventdomain.in and so on)
  • Do not use the year in your domain as it’s a bad idea. Even blogs work better if their domain names are timeless so you can create content and monetize it even after a decade.
  • Use blog name generators like Domains Bot,  come up with better domain ideas for your event blog.

You can also use your main blog and create event-specific content. Our blog Bloggers Passion is a better example as we’re running an SEO and affiliate marketing related blog but we also produce content every year for special events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc.

Create a sales funnel

You need two things to make more money from event blogging.

  • Targeted traffic
  • Converting that traffic into profits

To generate more traffic and convert that into sales, you need a proper “blog sales funnel”.

Create at least 10 in-depth articles

If you want it to rank in Google’s top 10 results, you need to create in-depth articles. For event blogging, make sure to create at least 10 to 15 detailed articles around the products you want to promote.

These articles can be anything including;

  • Comparison posts
  • Deals, discounts, special promos
  • Product reviews
  • Tutorials and so on

In our experience, both product reviews and comparison posts work like a charm if you’re planning to sell affiliate products through your event blog.

Although there is a wide range of monetization strategies you can use .  but you can make much more profits from event blogging by using passive income sources like affiliate marketing.

That being said, here are some excellent tips to write in-depth blog posts for your event blog.

Research and outline: The key to creating long form content is to research a lot. The more time you spend on researching, the more topics you can cover. Make sure to perform a competitor analysis and find the top 10 results for the topics you want to cover. Then, outline everything using subheadings. That way, it becomes easier to expand your content.

Write compelling headlines: It doesn’t matter how great your content is, if your headlines are boring, no one is going to click on your posts. Writing better headlines can also help you with better organic CTR (click through rates) which ultimately brings you more visitors from search engines. Use headline analyser tools to craft head-turning headlines.

Proofread and avoid junk: Yes, you should aim at writing 2000+ word articles. But don’t create junk for the sake of filling words. Your content should be top-notch. Also, make sure to proofread everything. Reread several times and use online grammar checker tools such as Grammarly.

Optimize your content, update frequently and build backlinks even before the event

If you’re running an event blog, you should create content well in advance. For instance, if you’re planning to create an event blog for the New Year, you should start creating content at least 6 to 8 months before.

That way, you’ll have enough time to optimize your content for multiple keywords, update your content frequently and even start building links to your content for better rankings.

Here are some of the best ways to build links for an event blog.

  • Use the skyscraper technique
  • Write guest posts (don’t worry about the DA and other metrics, just make sure to write guest posts and build links from various domains)
  • Use social bookmarking sites
  • Create videos and build links from YouTube
  • Use platforms like Quora and Medium
  • Leave blog comments on other sites
  • Use broken link building

3 Solid Ways to Make Money from Event Blogging

First, a word of warning: these are NO “get rich quick schemes”. Yes, event blogging can help you generate more profits quickly but you need to prepare well in advance. That said, here are some of the best ways to monetize an event blog.

1. Promote Affiliate Products

If you’re creating an event blog as a long term project, go for affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing gives you much more profits and conversions when compared to other strategies.

Once you pick the right affiliate products to promote, you can use WordPress link cloaking plugins like Easy Affiliate Links to cloak your affiliate links.

2. Through Paid Reviews or Sponsorships

You can consider making money through sponsorships.

You can also publish paid reviews where you get paid for publishing a review post or tutorial around a sponsored product.

The best way to attract sponsor ads or paid reviews is to create an “Advertise or contact for sponsorships” page and show your website traffic stats, social media following, audience demographics and so on.

Pros & Cons of Event Blogging

Here are some of the pros and cons of event blogging websites.


  • You can make a ton of money within a short time (I know a lot of bloggers who earn thousands of dollars within a week when the event is happening such as Black Friday). Okay, I’m also one of them who makes several thousand dollars during Black Friday every year.
  • You don’t have to work everyday or spend a ton of time running event blogs. Just create some useful content, build links and optimize your website and content whenever the event is approaching.
  • Event blogging helps you diversify your income sources
  • It helps you understand your niche audience better
  • Event blogging has a lot of scope in the future as millions of people search for “niche specific products” during special events


  • You’ll be generating more traffic and sales only during the event. For instance, if you’re covering Black Friday deals, you’ll be getting targeted traffic and sales only during that time, which happens only once a year! Unless you’re running multiple event blogs, it’s difficult to make consistent profits every month.

5 Things to Remember When You Start An Event Blog

Here are some of the most important things you need to remember to run a successful event blog that makes money.

1. Create useful content

Most event bloggers create mediocre content. They don’t realise the importance of creating quality content. That’s why they often struggle to get top rankings (even if they get higher rankings, they can’t sustain those rankings for a long time due to thin content).

Make sure to create timeless content so you require minimal efforts when you’re updating your event blog posts each year. Invest your time or money one time so you can keep on updating the same posts every year with latest deals, discounts or keywords.

2. Think long term

Don’t create an event blog every year. Instead, think long term and identify an event that you can monetize even after several years. Running an aged domain (or website) not only helps with better domain authority but also improves your SERP rankings.

3. Create content and put deals in advance

Plan to create an event blog at least 6 months in advance. If you want to launch a specific event blog, buy a domain, perform keyword research, create content, find deals well in advance.

You won’t get any results if you launch an event blog just before a week or month. So be prepared well in advance. Try to find and include all the deals in advance so you don’t have to worry later (when the event is live).

4. Avoid black hat SEO at all costs

Black hat SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing, buying links from Fiverr etc can get your site penalized in Google search results. Never use black hat SEO techniques to get faster results.

5. Study your competition

Competitor analysis is essential if you want to build a money-making even blog in any niche. Only by doing competitor research, you’ll be able to find out the high performing keywords, money generating topics, backlink sources and so on. You can use competitor analysis tools to spy on your competitor websites.

Use Semrush for competitor analysis as it’s a powerful tool which gives you access to over 40 SEO tools at one roof.

FAQs About Event Blogging

Here are some of the frequently asked questions around event blogging.

Can I use my existing blog to promote deals on special events?

Yes, you absolutely can.

Do I need a domain and hosting to start an event blog?

You can start a free blog using free blogging sites but we would never recommend anyone to start an event blog on a free blogging platform. It not only looks unprofessional but it’s extremely hard to convert random website visitors into buying something from your event blog.

Which is better: event blogging or regular blogging?

Event blogging can be treated as a “side hustle” or extra source of income. If you’re planning to build a career in blogging, you should definitely consider regular blogging.

What is the scope of event blogging in the future?

There’s a huge scope for event blogging. There are millions of new product launches that happen every single year and you’ll also find a ton of deals on special events like New Year, Black Friday. So there’s a huge opportunity out there.


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