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How To Create A Blog For Free Using Blogger And Make Money 2023


How To Create A Blog For Free Using Blogger And Make Money 2023

How To Start A Blog And Make Money 2023


How To Create A Blog For Free Using Blogger And Make Money 2023

Are you looking for an easy guide on how to start a blog?

The step-by-step guide on this page will show you how to create a blog in 20 minutes with just the most basic computer skills.

After completing this guide you will have a beautiful blog that is ready to share with the world.


This guide is made especially for beginners. I will walk you through each and every step.

What is a blog anyway?

In short, a blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content, also known as blog posts. In popular culture we most often hear about news blogs or celebrity blog sites, but as you’ll see in this guide, you can start a successful blog on just about any topic imaginable.

Bloggers often write from a personal perspective that allows them to connect directly with their readers. In addition, most blogs also have a “comments” section where visitors can correspond with the blogger. Interacting with your visitors in the comments section helps to further the connection between the blogger and the reader.

This direct connection to the reader is one of the main benefits of starting a blog. This connection allows you to interact and share ideas with other like-minded people. It also allows you to build trust with your readers. Having the trust and loyalty of your readers also opens up the door to making money from your blog, which is something I discuss later in this guide.

The good news is that the internet is exploding with growth right now. More people than ever are online. This explosion in growth means more potential readers for your blog. In short, if you are thinking about starting a blog then there is no better time than right now.

Let’s start your blog!

Each day, millions of articles/posts/stories get published on the web, and more than 200 thousand new blogs are created. Welcome To easymarketingtips.xzy Learn how to Create a Free Blog on Blogger. Blogger is an online service owned by Google.Google is a Famous Website and the top in the world.

An Introduction To Blogger.com

Google Provide Blogger.com Service there user. Google provides free blogging platforms like BlogSpot.com it is Free. Blogger Service was Launched on August 23, 1999. Blogger was developed by Pyra Labs it is free and Secure. in this article we learn how to create a blog on blog spot.com you want to create a blog you need a Google g mail account.

Advantages Of Starting A Blog On Google Blogger

  • Starting a blog with Google Blogspot is very easy, and you don’t need any professional skills to operate your blog.
  • Starting a blog on Blogger.com is free and easy to launch.
  • Google owns the platform, so you have that trust and credibility.
  • Blogger is free for all, and they never ask for a penny.
  • Though there are many free blogging platforms available on the web (like WordPress, Weebly, Wix, Tumblr, and others), Blogger.com is the winner of all of them when it comes to giving you the freedom and the features offered.
  • You can set up your custom domain there instated of the free .blogspot.com subdomain.
  • Blog post publishing and management system are very easy to use.
  • The communication system is good also. You can use its default comment system or can set up Facebook, Disqus, and Google Plus Comments easily.
  • You can Configure a free SSL Certificate for your blog (by simply turning on HTTPS). Now blogger offers HTTPS versions of both types of sites, so no matter if you’re using their .blogspot sub-domain or your custom domain.
  • They provide free simple and responsive templates and also allow you to upload your own theme. On the web lots of free and premium blogger templates are available, so you can install them and customize them as you want.
  • You can monetize your site with Google AdSense and other programs like affiliate marketing easily unlike other platforms.
  • Like other CMS (Content management systems), Google blogger also lets you take a backup of your data. So, if something wrong happens with your site, then you can restore it with your backup.
  • Also later, if you wish to move on to other platforms (like WordPress, Wix, Weebly) then by using their plugins, you can easily switch to them without losing anything.

Cons of Blogger

  • Blogger is not suitable for professional blogging as you have very limited control.
  • You can only customize Blogger themes to a certain extent. Freedom to make changes to a theme is limited.
  • To look professional online .blogspot.com subdomains do not make the cut. Although there is a feature available where you can buy a domain through Google or any other domain registrar and add your domain later on.
  • Most Google products have customer support but for Blogger, Google has a forum.
  • As Blogger is a free platform, you have to abide by the terms and conditions. This limits the ability to self-express.

Step By Step Guide To Start A Free Blog On Blogger.com

Step 1: Sign Up for a Google Account

You need a google account to access your blogger dashboard. So just signup for a Gmail or any Google product to proceed. If you already have an account then skip the step and log in to your account.

Step 2: Sign in to your Blogger Account

First, you make a Gmail account. and log in to blogger with a g mail account. Enter your Email and password and log in to your G mail Account you Can log in Direct to Google

Go to the blogger.com homepage and then SIGN IN to your account using your Google account credentials.

Step 3: Choose a Blogger Profile

Once you signed in to your Blogger account, for the first time, it will ask you to set up a profile for your Blogger blogs.

Step 4: Creating A Blogger Account

Now you will be able to see the blogger dashboard, and like my given image, you can choose the “New blog” or “CREATE NEW BLOG” option to start your blog creation.






Step 5: Choosing A Blog Name And A Theme

After clicking the ‘new blog’ or ‘create new blog’ option, a new window will be open like the following screenshot below, and there you need to fill details. Now enter your blog name, and address, and then pick a theme. After that, you need to click the” Create blog” button to finish your initial blog setup. Don’t worry about your selection; you can change/modify them later also.




You can choose a Template from its available templates collection, or you can upload your own theme.

Also, you can take a backup or restore your blog template anytime by clicking on the Backup/Restore button on the top right side of the Theme dashboard.

By clicking on the Customize button, a new template editor will open where you can able to make some changes such as changing the background, changing font design and colors, adding Custom CSS, selecting the layout, etc.

You can edit the HTML of the template.

You can choose a Mobile Template for your site.

In the Layout section, you can manage your blog layout through a simple drag-and-drop process.

You can see the multiple locations in the Layout Editor where you can add various widgets also.

In the layout section, you can edit Favicon, blog header, footer, sidebar, etc.

You can use the Blogger Theme Designer to change the layout widths and other settings.

STEP 6: Optimizing Your Blogger Blog

after login to your G mail Account and going to blogger, Dashboard will Show Click on a new blog and





Add A Description For Your Blog

Edit Your Post, Comments And Sharing Settings On Blogger







Edit And Modify Blogger Search Preference Settings To Optimize Your Blog SEO

Edit meta tags: A meta tag is a brief and concise summary of your blog or website. It supposes to install after the title of the page. The user of a search engine focuses on the description of the post after reading the title of the post. So, Keep in mind that it is very much necessary that your meta description must be related to what you have written in your blog. Your meta tag description must be written within 150 characters.

Custom page not found: When someone lands on your site through a URL that no longer exists, you can set a message to them that the page doesn’t exist. You can set any custom text or HTML message instructing them what to do next.

Custom redirects: Using this feature you can redirect your full-length permalinks to a shorter one and also you can redirect your broken links to your site. Bloggers’ custom redirects only support redirection within the same blog URL, so this isn’t suitable if you’ve changed your blog domain name.

Crawlers and indexing: These features are imperative because doing proper setup there, a chance to get a better ranking in search engines and incorrect configuration can harm your SERP(Search engine ranking position) or you may lose your search engine visibility. So stay away from this part, if you are not an expert.





However, if you are keen to optimize your robots.txt and Custom robots header tags, then you can read the post below.

STEP 7:Editing The Theme And Layout

Step 8: Adding Pages

To create pages on the Blogger blog, navigate to Pages >> Create a new page or New page.

Adding the About page will let the visitors know about you and the blog and with the help of a contact page, visitors can contact you. This establishes a personal touch or a connection which is very important.





How To Publish Your Article On Blogger Blog

Step 5:   Click on Start Posting

Step 6: Now your Blog overview will show and click on Create a  new Post

Step 7:  Write Post write the post Title and Start to compose

Step 8:  when you write some post-use some tools you add images and make words bold and add the video you can add a link of another website

Step 9:  After writing the Full post Labels it and the location you can add a location if you want to add it. Add Permalink and use other options and click on Publish if you don’t want to publish you save your post in draft.

Step 10:  if you want to change your blog Template layout you go to blog layout and change

Step 11:  if you know about Html code you can change your blog Template and Editing and Designing.

Step 12:  Going to Blog Setting you can edit your title if you want and you can add more admin for your blog easily

Step 13:  Click on Posts and comments and Change settings if you want .how many posts do you want to show on your blog add post quantity on the main page. change Comments setting etc.

Step 14:  if you want to add a Mobile number go to  Settings  › Mobile and email.

Step 15:  you can change the setting of your Language and formatting Which Language do you want to use if you want to change the time Zone you can change it

your Blog is ready and starts writing a post






Make money from your blog

Once you have put in the effort of creating great blog content and promoting your blog, making money from your blog is actually the easy part.

Blogs have the potential to be extremely lucrative, but don’t assume that you’re going to start making money in the first week, or even in the first month. It could take six months to a year to start seeing a steady stream of income. Blogging takes work and dedication, but once you develop a large enough audience, there are several methods you can employ to monetize your blog.


Sell advertising space

Once you have a popular blog, advertisers will be hounding you for the opportunity to advertise.


Sell affiliate products

An affiliate program is a commission-based way to advertise. When one of your readers clicks on a link on your blog, they get sent to an advertiser’s site and you earn a commission if they purchase. Affiliate links are a nice way to earn income through the use of product reviews. However, you must remember to disclose that you are an affiliate for the product.

Sell Products and Services

Selling your own products and services directly on your blog is a great way to increase your income. As your blog grows and you begin to see a wide audience, your products and services will begin to sell themselves.

Use the sidebar of your blog to increase the visibility of what you sell using visual images and a link to your storefront page.

Sell digital downloads

Ebooks, video tutorials, and e-courses are the most commonly consumed digital materials sold by bloggers. With little to no overhead and no shipping costs, you can keep the price low and inviting.

If you are extremely knowledgeable in your field, an ebook can practically write itself. Give it a try, you might surprise yourself!

Sell memberships

Another way to monetize is by creating membership options on your blog. This allows you to offer members more exclusive content only available with a paid membership. For example, you could offer unlimited downloads of digital goods, free consultations, a private network or forum where community members can mix and mingle, and private content available to members only.

There are many ways a blog can capitalize on popularity and traffic. Choosing the way you monetize from your blog depends on your goals and the purpose of your blog. Those who are selling services, physical goods, and digital goods, for example, may not want to participate in affiliate programs where traffic could be lost to another site.

I hope you find to start a free Blogspot blog. 

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